Pro-Life Rules Go Into Effect This Week
In a stunning victory for pro-life advocates everywhere, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notified abortion facilities on Tuesday that new pro-life rules will take effect. These rules stipulate that any facility receiving federal Title X tax dollars cannot provide abortions or abortion referrals. And, it also requires medical clinics and abortion facilities to have separate finances and physical space.
According to the HHS website, Tile X funding is the only federal grant program dedicated to ensuring access to a broad range of family planning and related preventative health services for millions of low-income or uninsured individuals and others.
Abortion giant, Planned Parenthood has called this a “devastating blow” and has unsuccessfully sued to stop these rules from being enforced. This organization of death stands to lose about $60 million in federal funding. Liberty Counsel Chairman Mat Staver said in a statement, “Planned Parenthood performed nearly one-half of all abortions in the U.S. in 2017. That is an average of 911 abortions each day. That is human genocide for profit. Americans do not want to fund the destruction of innocent human life.”
In addition to the loss of funding, less than a year after hiring Leana Wen as president, Planned Parenthood fired the physician over “philosophical differences.” Wen has publicly stated that she was working to promote an image of Planned Parenthood that was primarily one of healthcare, not abortion.
Wen’s departure from Planned Parenthood sheds light on the evil darkness of that organization. They have the option to receive federal funding and provide actual health care for women. However, their “core mission” is – and always will be – abortion.
Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins stated, “The musical chairs at the top of the nation’s No. 1 abortion vendor will not change the pro-life commitment to confronting them in court, in the legislatures, and on the campaign trail,” Hawkins said. “Women don’t need what Planned Parenthood is selling. Pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion, and with federally qualified health centers standing by to offer true, full-service healthcare, women have lots of options that don’t include abortion.”
The Bible makes it very clear that all life is created by God’s direct intention according to His infinite knowledge. Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7 teaches that God created the very first human life and Psalm 139:13-16 indicates that God Himself forms every subsequent human life in the womb! Furthermore, Jeremiah 1:5 reveals that God knows every individual before He forms them in the womb. We must remain vigilant in praying for support for life in our communities, our states and in the highest levels of government.