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School District Reinstates “Pornographic” Books Despite Parents' Concerns

The largest school district in the United States said it's reinstating two books to its high school libraries after a review into concerns raised by a mother that they contain “pornography” with graphic descriptions of sex acts between men and boys. Two committees that reviewed and assessed Lawn Boy by Jonathan Evison and Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe have unanimously recommended that they remain in public school libraries as “diverse” reading material for students with underrepresented identities Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia has announced.

 “I’m glad that the book has been reinstated, where I hope it will continue to inspire and comfort young adult readers who have been marginalized economically, racially, or by virtue of their sexual identification, so that these young people might find their rightful place within the large culture,” The Washington Post quoted Kobabe as saying in response to the school district’s decision.

 Stacy Langton, the parent of a student in the Fairfax public schools who confronted the school board about the content being accessible to a juvenile audience, said she will appeal the decision in the school system. At a school board meeting in September, Langton had read aloud sexually explicit material and shared graphic images featured in the two books. “After seeing a September 9 school board meeting in Texas on pornography in the schools, I decided to check the titles at my child’s school, Fairfax High School,” she said during the meeting. Langton held up the two books singled out at the Texas school board meeting that are also available in several public high schools in Fairfax County. She said that “both of these books include pedophilia, and sex between men and boys.”

 As Langton asserted that the books' inclusion was “not an oversight at Fairfax High School,” a school board member interrupted her and said the books' content wasn't appropriate for public reading at the board meeting because “there are children in the audience here.” Langton, who didn't appreciate the board member's interruption of her time to speak, added: “Do not interrupt my time. I will stand here until my time is restored and my time is finished. These books are in stock and available in the libraries of Robinson, Langley and Annandale High Schools.”

 A school board member then suggested that teenagers' access to the books is okay because they're only available “for high school students.” However, the majority of high school students are younger than 18, which is the age of consent in Virginia. The sexual activities graphically described in the books between adults and children are a crime. The fact that the board is not even willingly to replace the book with other LGBT books shows just how powerful this movement has become in American society.

 This is yet another example of the evil agenda that is being promoted throughout the United States. Things that would have been abhorrent even ten years ago are now being accepted and even championed. These pedophilia laden books were not simply an oversight by the school districts but are now being defended as legitimate reads for high school students, some that are as young as 14-15 years old. These types of admissions will only further the issues that we have in our nation in regard to sexuality. The Fairfax school board is not the only school board that is pushing these kinds of agendas throughout our public school system. America will continue to devolve into more and deeper levels of sin as long as these types of things are allowed in the lives of our children.

 PRAY- Pray that school boards across the nation will turn away from these types of evil agendas and stand firm on the Biblical principles that our nation was founded upon.