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God Bless America A Message for Our Nation

It’s time to exhort the people of America to call upon God and ask God to indeed bless the United States of America.

If we humble ourselves before God, repent and ask for forgiveness, God could certainly return His blessing upon America. He has already wonderfully blessed our nation far beyond anything we deserve. And though we are not a perfect nation, and though there are many problems and challenges and difficulties, it is still one of the greatest nations in all the world.

Can any nation say, “God bless our nation?” The Bible tells us “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 32:12).

Now in the Old Testament context, the people of Israel realized they were in a special covenant relationship with God. They were a theocratic kingdom of the people of God on Earth. Yet that blessing of God was not limited just to them. It was available to any people that would come to God.

It was available to the Assyrians, if they would repent at Nineveh. It was available to the Babylonians, if they would come to God. It was available to the Egyptians. And it’s available today to any nation in the world that is willing to say, “Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is our Savior. He is our God. And we’re going to pray that God will bless our nation, not to the exclusion of other nations, but that God might bless our nation in particular.”

Everybody in every nation ought to be able to pray for that and say it from the depth of their heart and their soul. If you love God with all of your heart, and you love your country, then certainly you want God to bless you nation, just as you want God to bless your life. The blessing of God comes when we receive the power of God Himself in our lives. The Bible tells us that the Spirit of the Lord is the Spirit of liberty. And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty and freedom.

Liberty is a gift from the God of liberty. It’s the blessing of God in our lives. It’s not just something that is a political circumstance in our experience of Americans. The patriots that founded the United States of America made a Declaration of Independence, that asked God to bless this nation, and we have in turn been blessed by the results.

But it’s more than that – it’s the blessing of God that comes to the lives of people who are willing to let God be God in their lives. It’s that personal relationship with God that brings the blessing of God to us as individuals, to our churches, and to our nation.

One of the reasons God has blessed America all these years is because America was founded by godly men and women who were concerned to take the Bible seriously, and to live out its truths in their lives.

Secondly, they took the whole issue of freedom seriously, a freedom that was guaranteed to everybody as one of the unalienable rights given to us by our Creator. They understood that we were not here by accident. We’re not simply here by convenience. We are here by the Divine sovereign choice of God Himself. God called those Pilgrims and Puritans to come to this new world, to establish this new nation to the glory of God.

When we as a people are willing to get on our faces before God, on our knees before God, we’re willing to call out to Him, cry out to Him, and let Him deal with our hearts and lives, we can then say, “God bless me, God bless America, God bless the world through us.” Then America can reach the greatness God intended for her to have. Not just as a military power, not just as a commercial enterprise, but as a nation that would reflect the goodness of God, the freedom of God, the liberty of the Spirit of God, the blessing of God.

In nation after nation after nation, God is calling people to come to Him, to believe in Christ. He’s building His Church. He’s blessing those nations whose God is the Lord.

Excerpts from this article taken from Dr. Ed Hindson’s message, God Bless America.

PRAY: Pray that freedom of religion, freedom of choice, freedom of opportunity to open the Word of God continues in America. Pray that our nation turns back to God.