The King is Coming

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Antisemitism Shown on Capitol Hill

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States this summer was supposed to show America’s dedication and resolve to continuing to help one of its biggest allies. Instead, it has shown just how much Antisemitism is possibly influencing American politics. Netanyahu was invited by both leaders of Congress, Representative Mike Johnson in the House and Senator Chuck Schumer in the Senate, to give a speech on the Capitol floor about the continued war in Gaza. It was supposed to be a unifying time where both nations could show their continued support.

However, the visit did not go as planned for a variety of reasons. First, Netanyahu did not receive much publicity on his arrival or during much of his trip because of the major political events that were eating up the American news cycle. Former President Donald Trump had a failed assassination attempt only a few days before Netanyahu’s arrival. Then, during his arrival window President Biden came down with Covid and eventually dropped out of the presidential race, naming Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor. All of these events simply overwhelmed the media buzz, to the point that many, including sitting Congressmen, had even forgotten that Netanyahu had even arrived or that his speech was upcoming.

Second, the political turmoil of the weekend of Netanyahu’s arrival was evident. President Biden was away from the capitol at his home in Delaware with Covid, so he was not there to welcome the prime minister at the airport as is customary when a major ally arrives in the nation. Vice President Harris, who has been a vocal critic of Israel and Netanyahu in particular, was not there to welcome him either. Even Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was not present. Therefore, Netanyahu arrived with little fanfare or media coverage.

Finally, pro-Hamas protesters made it very clear that they did not want Netanyahu comfortable. They released multiple kinds of bugs into the Watergate Hotel where he was staying and pulled the fire alarm multiple times the night before his speech to Congress. Thousands of protesters arrived at the Capitol, burning the US flag in protest and even replacing it with the Hamas flag in front of the Capitol. Many of the Capitol police that attempted to stop the protesters were attacked.

Vice President Harris, along with many other Democratic Congresspeople, also skipped the speech. Harris’ team said that she was doing events on the campaign trail, but it is customary that as acting Vice President she would be present for the speech, as she was when President Zelensky of Ukraine gave a similar speech earlier this year.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib made headlines when she held up a sign during the speech calling the prime minister a “war criminal” and advocated that he be arrested and given over to the International Criminal Court. This cannot happen in the United States as the US is not a member of the ICC and does not enforce its laws. Needless to say, the speech and the entire visit have seen very little positive and much negativity toward the Jewish leader.

Biblical Connection: After the horrible events of World War 2 and the Holocaust, it seemed like the West would take care of the Jewish people. People even wondered how the future Antichrist would be able to turn the world against the Jewish people again, as described in the Book of Revelation. However, the events of October 7th have shown that Antisemitism is still very much an active part of society and that all it takes is a little push for people to turn on the Jewish people once again.

PRAY: Pray this hatred for the nation of Israel would cease and that America would again become a strong ally to the Jewish people.