Why Doesn’t God Stop All the Problems in the World?


 Since God has all the power to do so, why doesn’t He stop all the problems in the world?


 The answer to this question lies in the fact that God has made man a free moral agent. Man had the right to choose good or choose evil in the Garden of Eden. He chose evil, and the world has been under a curse ever since. Because of Adam’s sin, we are all sinners:

 “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for all have sinned,” Romans 5:12.

We are born in sin, and we continue in sin. Our sin not only relates to our own lives, but the lives of others. The criminal’s sin affects the victim. The parent’s sin takes its toll on the children. The world leader’s sin causes him to go to war, costing lives on both sides. As the passage in Romans says, we are also under the sentence of death for our sins, and because of that, our mortal bodies suffer as well.

 God does sometimes intervene in the affairs of mankind and end some of the suffering. But He does not do it in all cases, for many reasons that are unknown to us. However, one reason we do know about, is that problems do tend to draw men closer to God, which ultimately brings glory to Him as a result:

 “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept thy word,” Psalm 119:67.

 The good news is that our Lord will intervene universally in the world situation at His Second Coming at the conclusion of the Tribulation. At that time, He will defeat the Antichrist and his armies at Armageddon and institute His 1,000 year Millennial Reign of righteousness. Sin and evil will not occur with impunity as is the case now. Even better, we who know Jesus as our Lord and Savior can look forward to even speedier deliverance when He returns prior to the Tribulation on the occasion of the Rapture and Resurrection.

 Although we are now experiencing troubles, we can look forward to that day when problems shall be no more:

 “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea … And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:1,4

 PRAY: Pray for those who do not know the Lord to come to salvation. Share the Gospel with loved ones and friends while we still have the time.

Turkey’s Erdoğan Threatens to Invade Israel

Turkey’s leader threatened military intervention in Israel to stop Jerusalem’s war in Gaza in a significant escalation of rhetoric from NATO’s second-largest military. In a meeting with his Justice and Development Party (AKP), President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Turkey “must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine.” “Just like we entered Karabakh, just like we entered Libya, we might do similar to them,” he said, according to a Reuters report.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz came back swinging and suggested Erdoğan would meet a similarly deadly fate as Iraq’s former president, Saddam Hussein, who was executed by hanging in 2006. “Erdoğan follows in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein and threatens to attack Israel. Just let him remember what happened there and how it ended,” Katz said in a message posted to X that included a picture of Erdoğan and the former Iraqi leader.

When questioned about the Turkish president’s comments, an embassy spokesperson in the U.S. told Fox News Digital, “Turkey has no issue with the Israeli people at all. Our problem has been with the brutal acts and irresponsible steps of the current extremist Israeli government.” “Since October 7, Turkey has exerted every effort possible to help achieve a permanent ceasefire to prevent unbearably high Palestinian civilian casualties caused by indiscriminate Israeli attacks on Gaza,” the spokesperson added. “We continue to share with the international community and the US administration our concerns regarding the ongoing Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians and its steps that may lead to another escalation in other parts of the region, particularly in Lebanon. We call on Israel to sign up to the three-stage plan that US President Biden announced on 31 May.”

The U.S. State Department also told Fox News Digital that it was urging both Israel and Turkey to “avoid any further escalation.” “We maintain strong relations with both Turkey and Israel,” a department spokesperson said. “We urge continued dialogue between these two valued partners.” NATO said it did not have any comment to contribute on efforts being made to cool tensions between the NATO nation and the West’s top ally in the Middle East.

Threats levied by the Turkish president come as Israel faces increasing aggression from Iran-backed Islamic militants, including Hamas, Houthi and Hezbollah terrorist groups. Erdoğan did not detail what Turkish military intervention would entail, though he has repeatedly been a harsh critic of the war in Gaza. “There is no reason why we cannot do this…We must be strong so that we can take these steps,” Erdoğan told AKP party officials. The Turkish leader appeared to be referring to military action Ankara, capital of Turkey, took in 2020 when it sent troops to defend the U.N.-recognized Government of National Accord of Libya amid its civil war, which first broke out in 2014. Turkey has denied direct involvement in Azerbaijan’s military action in its Nagorno-Karabakh region, where it claims to be carrying out “anti-terror” operations against Armenian rebels. Though in 2023, Ankara reportedly said it was using “all means” to support its ally, including through military training.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not publicly responded to Erdoğan’s comments, though he and the Turkish leader have routinely exchanged harsh barbs over the years. Both Netanyahu and Erdoğan have compared each other to Adolf Hitler over Turkey’s long-running war against Kurdish militants and for Israel’s hostile action against Palestinians.

Biblical Connections: As we have seen over the past few years, Turkey, once friendly with the West and open to Christians, has shifted to a much more hostile stance to Christianity, Israel and the West and has cozied up with both Russia and Iran. Is this setting the stage for the Gog Magog war of Ezekiel 38-39?

PRAY: Pray Turkey will not alienate Israel and will not move closer to Iran and Russia. Pray Turkey will once again become friendly to Israel and the West.

Antisemitism Shown on Capitol Hill

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States this summer was supposed to show America’s dedication and resolve to continuing to help one of its biggest allies. Instead, it has shown just how much Antisemitism is possibly influencing American politics. Netanyahu was invited by both leaders of Congress, Representative Mike Johnson in the House and Senator Chuck Schumer in the Senate, to give a speech on the Capitol floor about the continued war in Gaza. It was supposed to be a unifying time where both nations could show their continued support.

However, the visit did not go as planned for a variety of reasons. First, Netanyahu did not receive much publicity on his arrival or during much of his trip because of the major political events that were eating up the American news cycle. Former President Donald Trump had a failed assassination attempt only a few days before Netanyahu’s arrival. Then, during his arrival window President Biden came down with Covid and eventually dropped out of the presidential race, naming Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor. All of these events simply overwhelmed the media buzz, to the point that many, including sitting Congressmen, had even forgotten that Netanyahu had even arrived or that his speech was upcoming.

Second, the political turmoil of the weekend of Netanyahu’s arrival was evident. President Biden was away from the capitol at his home in Delaware with Covid, so he was not there to welcome the prime minister at the airport as is customary when a major ally arrives in the nation. Vice President Harris, who has been a vocal critic of Israel and Netanyahu in particular, was not there to welcome him either. Even Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was not present. Therefore, Netanyahu arrived with little fanfare or media coverage.

Finally, pro-Hamas protesters made it very clear that they did not want Netanyahu comfortable. They released multiple kinds of bugs into the Watergate Hotel where he was staying and pulled the fire alarm multiple times the night before his speech to Congress. Thousands of protesters arrived at the Capitol, burning the US flag in protest and even replacing it with the Hamas flag in front of the Capitol. Many of the Capitol police that attempted to stop the protesters were attacked.

Vice President Harris, along with many other Democratic Congresspeople, also skipped the speech. Harris’ team said that she was doing events on the campaign trail, but it is customary that as acting Vice President she would be present for the speech, as she was when President Zelensky of Ukraine gave a similar speech earlier this year.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib made headlines when she held up a sign during the speech calling the prime minister a “war criminal” and advocated that he be arrested and given over to the International Criminal Court. This cannot happen in the United States as the US is not a member of the ICC and does not enforce its laws. Needless to say, the speech and the entire visit have seen very little positive and much negativity toward the Jewish leader.

Biblical Connection: After the horrible events of World War 2 and the Holocaust, it seemed like the West would take care of the Jewish people. People even wondered how the future Antichrist would be able to turn the world against the Jewish people again, as described in the Book of Revelation. However, the events of October 7th have shown that Antisemitism is still very much an active part of society and that all it takes is a little push for people to turn on the Jewish people once again.

PRAY: Pray this hatred for the nation of Israel would cease and that America would again become a strong ally to the Jewish people.

Australia Cannot Understand the Term Woman

The Federal Court of Australia has determined that the term “sex” transcends mere biological classification, which the legal advocacy group ADF International has called a flawed judgment. The court held that the female-only networking app Giggle indirectly discriminated against a man who identifies as a woman and goes by the name Roxanne Tickle by barring him from joining. In the case of Roxanne Tickle v. Giggle for Girls, the court awarded Tickle 10,000 AUD (roughly $6,800) in compensation for what it recognized as “indirect discrimination.”

Tickle, who has legally amended his birth certificate to identify as female, argued for access to spaces designated exclusively for women. Giggle’s defense, supported by ADF International, contended that women have a right to single-sex spaces, a principle extending to both physical and digital realms. However, the court dismissed this defense, stating that disqualification based on male sex constituted unlawful discrimination. The judgment states that “… sex is not confined to being a biological concept referring to whether a person at birth had male or female physical traits, nor confined to being a binary concept, limited to the male or female sex … ”

Katherine Deves, representing Giggle, expressed significant concern during the hearing, noting, “The stakes are high in this case. Women’s international human rights will be lost if ‘woman’ now includes any male who identifies as such. This decision matters not just in Australia but also to the watching world.”

Sall Grover, CEO of Giggle and respondent in the lawsuit, emphasized the original intent behind her app. “For decades, women’s movements have fought for the right to have female spaces in society. Yet today, the clock is being wound back.” Grover continued, “I designed my app to give women their own space to network. It is a legal fiction that Tickle is a woman. His birth certificate has been altered from male to female, but he is a biological man, and always will be. A woman’s-only app isn’t about discrimination. It’s about freedom of speech, belief, and association.”

Robert Clarke, director of Advocacy for ADF International, described the ruling as a severe setback for women’s rights. “In ruling that Tickle, a biological male, was a victim of discrimination when prevented from joining a woman’s app, the court has delivered an egregiously flawed judgment that removes protections for women. Contrary to what the judge held, sex is never changeable. The judgment is a severe setback for women and girls, failing to uphold the basic truth of biological reality — that men cannot become women. Tickle did not experience unjust discrimination, but was simply disqualified from membership on the Giggle app because he is not a woman.”

The court also found that section 5b of Australia’s Sex Discrimination Act, which prohibits discrimination on the ground of “gender identity,” aligns with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, despite the ICCPR only specifically prohibiting discrimination based on sex, not gender identity.

Biblical Connection: Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Satan has always tried to corrupt the things of God throughout history. God established mankind as male and female in the very beginning of creation. He even used the concept of marriage as a metaphor for the church’s relationship with Jesus. For centuries this biological fact has been accepted by every culture throughout the world. To declare that the distinctions between men and women are nonexistent or easily changeable is to spit in the face of our Creator.

PRAY - Pray that this unholy attack on the created order established by God will stop and sanity will return throughout the world.

Interest in the New Testament Grows in Israel

The faith-based nonprofit Jews for Jesus, an organization that shares the Gospel with people of the Jewish faith, says it has seen an increase in the number of New Testament orders from Israelis since the war between Israel and Hamas began last October. Jews for Jesus, affiliated with the Messianic Jewish movement, is an organization dedicated to helping Jewish people continue living out their faith while believing in Christ, the Son of God. The organization engages in conversations about Jesus in public spaces like college campuses and parks and hosts events to create opportunities for dialogue. The group is devoted to demonstrating Christ-like behavior through charitable acts, such as soup kitchens and ministering to Holocaust survivors during their last days of life.

Jews for Jesus offers the New Testament for free to Israelis through its website and the sites of its ministry partners, One for Israel or Tree of Life Ministries. According to data provided to The Christian Post, the organization has seen 1,230 New Testament orders from Israelis since the war between Israel and the terror group Hamas began in October. Jews for Jesus Executive Director Aaron Abramson told CP that one possible reason for the increase in requests is that Israelis appear to have a lot of questions, including spiritual ones, since Hamas’ Oct. 7 onslaught. “But there’s also a kind of hopelessness,” Abramson said. “Israel has prided itself in its ability to defend itself, so Oct. 7 was a real blow to that for people. You had people questioning whether they should remain in Israel and if it was safe for them. You have people who once lived in other countries and experienced antisemitism who were like, ‘Well, where do we go from here?’ And so, if you can’t put your trust in maybe, let’s say, a political solution, you can’t put your trust in like a military solution, or if you can’t put your trust in an economic solution, then where do you put your trust?” he asked. “And I think that’s why a lot of people were starting to sort of dig into those spiritual questions.”

Abramson said many of the organization’s staff in Israel have wives, husbands or kids in the Israeli military who were called in after Oct. 7. He said the nonprofit decided to “shift gears” by supporting those who were impacted by the terrorist attack, partnering with groups like Samaritan’s Purse. In addition to helping kibbutzim residents relocate after Hamas devastated their communities, Jews for Jesus helped provide food once residents resettled at hotels. They also set up makeshift classrooms so children could continue going to school.

Jews for Jesus transformed its Moishe Roshen Center in Tel Aviv into a location that provided resources to those impacted by Oct. 7, such as toiletries and medication. Abramson said that the group even set up an art gallery to help people express themselves and hosted barbeques for military units. “So for us, it was really how can we create space for people to come in to wrestle through deeper questions and how can we speak to those spiritual needs, as well as meeting some of those emotional and physical needs?” Abramson said.

Biblical Connections: In Romans 11, the apostle Paul said Israel was spiritual blinded and the Gospel would go to the Gentiles, but in the future Israel would turn back to God and recognize Jesus as their Messiah. While this will most likely occur during the Tribulation period, it is possible that we are starting to see the beginnings of this revival today.

PRAY: Pray more Jewish people will have their eyes opened to the Gospel and accept Jesus as their Messiah and Savior.

Doctor Faces Going to Jail for Protecting Children

The U.S. Department of Justice has unsealed the four-count indictment against a doctor who potentially faces 10 years in prison after blowing the whistle on the largest pediatric hospital in the U.S. for allegedly prescribing puberty blockers to minors despite claiming otherwise. Dr. Eithan Haim, 34, who completed his surgical residency at Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) in Houston, was slapped with four felony counts after he “obtained personal information including patient names, treatment codes and the attending physician from Texas Children’s Hospital’s (TCH) electronic system without authorization,” according to a DOJ press release.

Haim reportedly leaked such records to journalist Christopher Rufo last year because they exposed the “gender-affirming services” allegedly still being performed on minors at the hospital at the time, even though the hospital told the public it had paused such procedures.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had earlier released a formal opinion in February 2022 that labeled some sex-change procedures and the use of puberty blockers as “child abuse” under Texas law, after which Gov. Greg Abbott issued an order instructing state agencies to investigate them as such. The six-page indictment released by U.S. Attorney Alamdar Hamdani and reported by National Review alleges that Haim went to the press instead of the appropriate authorities within the hospital.

Last May, within 24 hours of Rufo publishing a story in City Journal based on Haim’s leak, the Texas Legislature passed SB-14, which made such procedures for minors illegal in the state effective Sept. 1, 2023. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed the bill into law last June.

Rufo’s story also prompted Paxton to launch a formal investigation into TCH. The hospital’s CEO, Mark Wallace, later issued a statement promising to finally shut down the facility’s trans procedures for minors by the time the law went into effect.

Rufo noted in a subsequent article last June that the information Haim leaked to him redacted key personal information, but the indictment claims the records retained dates of service, diagnosis, procedure codes and physician names. Assistant U.S. Attorney Tina Ansari, the lead DOJ prosecutor in his case who also signed his recent indictment, showed evidence of bias and went after both him and his wife, his lawyers claimed in a letter sent to members of Congress earlier this year.

Ansari allegedly described trans procedures as the “last hope” for some families and pressed Haim to avoid felony prosecution by admitting to a crime. She also reportedly claimed it was not Haim’s job to expose the trans procedures at the pediatric hospital and used a personal cellphone to communicate with Haim’s attorneys. “These people are corrupt,” Haim told The Christian Post in January. “And the only way to expose it is to not play into this Kabuki theater, like these people are practitioners of justice. Because if we were to collude with them, we would be sanctioning our own destruction.”

Biblical Connection: While it can be argued that Dr. Haim did not use the proper channels when calling out what he considered child abuse, the bigger issue is that a hospital catering to children would not only do “gender affirming surgeries”, which many can and should view as child abuse, but also that they would continue to do so even after telling the public that they had stopped. Unfortunately, many in the medical field have bought into the LGBT agenda and will stop at nothing to propagate and even instigate the issue with these types of surgeries on minors. Isaiah 5:20 summarizes this idea perfectly when it states, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

PRAY: Pray our children will be safe and that this agenda to change God’s design for our families will be halted.

Turmoil Remains in the Middle East as Tensions Rise Outside of Gaza

After more than 1,000 miles and almost three hours of flight time, the squadron of Israeli F-15s and F35s launched their missiles on Yemen's Hudaydah port, leaving in their wake a raging blaze and renewed fears of a Middle East engulfed by wider war. Israel's retaliatory attack was meant as a fiery message to a terrorist group that hit Tel Aviv with a deadly drone strike the day before. The drone strike from the Iran-backed Houthi militia, which controls wide swaths of Yemen and is allied with Hamas, managed to get through Israel's defenses and kill one civilian and wound at least 10.

In the hours after the strikes, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant characterized the hit as a message not only to the Houthis but to Israel's regional enemies. "The fire that is currently burning in Hudaydah is seen across the Middle East and the significance is clear," Gallant stated after the Israeli strike. "The Houthis attacked us over 200 times," Gallant said. "The first time that they harmed an Israeli citizen, we struck them. And we will do this in any place where it may be required."

Yet it's a message the Houthis are unlikely to heed, experts say. "The Israeli attack was meant to shock and awe, but unfortunately you're dealing with the Houthis," said Hisham Omeisy, a US-based Yemeni analyst. The Houthis, who started out as anti-government rebels, had spent years in pitched battles with the Yemeni state; in 2014 they overran the capital, Sanaa, then put their sights on the rest of the country. To stop them, a Saudi-led onslaught — bolstered by American weapons, intelligence and logistics support — launched a devastating air campaign and blockade that brought Yemenis to the brink of famine. By the time an April 2022 cease-fire was signed, the Houthis remained even stronger in the areas they controlled. "Shock and awe and the use of overwhelming power didn't really work on them when it was a coalition of countries hammering them," Omeisy said. "So it won't work now."

Meanwhile, the Iranian-backed Kataib Hezbollah terror group in Iraq has said it would support the Houthis in more attacks on Israel. This statement comes amid reports that the Houthis and Iranian-backed militias in Iraq want to conduct more “joint” operations against Israel.In the wake of the Houthi attack on Tel Aviv on July 19, the Houthis and Iraqi militias have sought to highlig ht how they might increase their threats to the region.

Kataib Hezbollah and the Houthis have both slammed Saudi Arabia and other Arab states, accusing them of working with Israel. They use similar language in their condemnation of Saudi Arabia and regional Arab states. In addition, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of pro-Iranian militias, claimed, on July 24, that it had targeted Eilat. The pro-Iranian Al-Mayadeen reported that “similarly, the Resistance in Iraq is conducting joint operations with the Yemeni Armed Forces to target the occupied Palestinian territories. Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, leader of the Ansar Allah movement in Yemen, confirmed in his speeches that ‘These joint operations between the Yemeni army and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq have had a direct and significant impact on the enemy,’ emphasizing that they will continue and escalate.”

The reports of the joint work of the Iraqi militias and Houthis come amid escalation by Hezbollah. Hezbollah has continued its rocket and drone attacks on northern Israel. Al-Mayadeen news network reported that a “squadron of the Islamic resistance Hezbollah drones from Lebanon entered the West Galilee region in northern occupied Palestine and sirens sounded in the Zionist settlements.” The attacks on northern Israel wounded a soldier recently. It also appears Hezbollah is increasing the range of its attacks. This would coincide with the Iranian attempt to push the Houthis and Iraqi militias to expand their attacks. Thus, even if the Israelis make a deal with Hamas for a cease-fire, there is no guarantee the chaos in the region simply subsides.

Biblical Connections: Satan has always hated the Jewish people and has tried to eliminate them several times throughout history. It is clear that he is working hard to gather as many enemies against the Jews as he can.

PRAY: Pray that these threats to Israel from various directions would cease and that their allies, including the US, will stay strong.

Turkey, Iran, Russia and China in Talks to Form Economic Alliance

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan suggested a Chinese and Russian-led economic organization may be his country’s alternative to the EU following a series of high-level talks between his country and Eastern-aligned groups and officials. Fidan made the comments about BRICS, an economic group of developing countries that includes China, Russia, and Iran. Bloomberg reported he stated an “economic alliance has not materialized” in reference to the EU, which Turkey has been waiting for decades to join, and that a search is underway.

The war in Gaza may have motivated Beijing to increase cooperation with Turkey. Nilgun Elikucuk Yildirim, an associate professor of international relations at Atılım Üniversitesi who focuses on China-Turkey relations, told The Media Line that Beijing believed Ankara was playing an important role among Muslim-majority countries. “We see how China actually attributed importance to Turkey when it comes to Gaza and cooperation among the Muslim countries during [Fidan’s] visit to China,” Yildirim said.

During a joint press conference, Fidan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated the need for a ceasefire in Gaza. Wang said increasing cooperation with Turkey will increase chances of finding a solution to “the Palestinian issue,” the Turkish news outlet Hurriyet reported. Wang also said his country was interested in increasing cooperation with Turkey to oppose “hegemony and power politics” in trade, energy and technology, the South China Morning Post reported.

Turkey’s geographic position, bordering Iran, Syria, and Iraq and sharing a maritime border with Ukraine and Russia in the Black Sea, makes it a strategically valuable ally to its NATO partners. Experts say Turkey has been attempting to balance its security reliance on NATO with stronger relations with Eastern countries, especially Russia and China, to gain more geopolitical independence. The meeting between the foreign ministers followed talks between the Turkish energy minister and Chinese officials and companies.

The Turkish president stated in 2022 that he hoped his country would gain membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), whose members include Iran, India, and Pakistan. Yildirim said that China has been gaining a foothold in Turkey through businesses, such as providing telecommunications for the Istanbul airport. “China is actually influencing or… injecting something into the Turkish system as a member of NATO, especially in the realm of intelligence,” Yildirim said. “It is not necessary to become a part of [the SCO]. China is there.”

Yusuf Can, an analyst at the Wilson Center’s Middle East program, believes Turkey’s role in NATO makes its participation especially appealing to Beijing as it competes with the West for international clout. “As a NATO country, Turkey’s significant interest in BRICS presents a valuable public relations opportunity for China and the organization as a whole within the global community,” Can wrote in a message to The Media Line.

During the Turkish foreign minister’s visit to Beijing, he reportedly stated his country would also like to join BRICS. Russia welcomed this sentiment, while the US Ambassador to Turkey, Jeffrey Flake, told Reuters that Washington opposed such a move.

Fidan then met with Russian President Vladimir Putin about a week after his meeting with the Chinese foreign minister. “It has bolstered Turkey’s position against the backdrop of the West’s declining popularity in the global community,” Can stated. He added that Turkey hopes participating in these meetings will lead to more global influence. “By expanding its diplomatic relations, Turkey wants to enhance trade opportunities and, given its growing military ambitions, potentially increase arms trade with new buyers,” he stated.

Biblical Connections: Parts of Turkey are listed in Ezekiel 38-39 alongside Iran and possibly Russia. It is a bit of a warning sign that Turkey, once strongly allied with NATO and the West, is searching for stronger ties with Russia, Iran and China.

PRAY: Pray this new potential alliance between Russia, China, Iran and now Turkey will be limited in its power and scope.

California Continues the Push to Remove Parental Powers

The California Senate has approved a bill that would prohibit school districts from requiring school officials to share information about a student’s sexual orientation and gender identity with the child’s parent, drawing concerns from Christian and parental rights groups. The Democrat-controlled California Senate passed Assembly Bill 1955 in a 29-8 vote. Support for the legislation fell along party lines, with all votes in favor of it coming from Democrats and all opposition coming from Republicans.

The legislation includes a provision declaring that “[a]n employee or a contractor of a school district, county office of education, charter school, or state special school for the blind or the deaf shall not be required to disclose any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent unless otherwise required by state or federal law.” The bill states that “policies that forcibly ‘out’ pupils without their consent remove opportunities for LGBTQ+ young people and their families to build trust and have these conversations when they are ready.”

The measure comes in response to local school districts adopting policies requiring parental notification when it comes to such issues. Sonja Shaw, a member of the school board for the Chino Valley Unified School District that passed a parental notification policy, said that “if a child is asking for the school district to now call them by another sex’s name or go into the other sex’s restroom, we will notify the parents. No one’s outing anybody,” she said, adding, “The kid is coming out, and the parents have a right to know.”

Students First California, an advocacy group that seeks to ensure that “parents have a seat at the table” when it comes to their children’s education, published a letter expressing opposition to the measure. “There is a reason courts have consistently affirmed parents as having a fundamental right to direct the care and upbringing of their children,” wrote Students First California President Jonathan Zachreson. “Parents know and care for their children more than anyone else and are ultimately responsible for them in every setting — school, home, and elsewhere,” he added. “Notifying and involving parents in something as paramount as when a school takes an active role in socially transitioning a child is critical for the well-being of children and for maintaining trust between schools and parents.”

Citing state law, Zachreson noted that “parents of students under 18 years old in public schools have an absolute right to access all records related to their children and the editing or withholding of any of those records is prohibited.” “These records include the gender and name in which the child goes by at school regardless of if the gender or name matches a student’s official government documents,” lamenting that “AB 1955 would enable and strengthen policies that violate this right.”

California Family Council has also expressed its opposition to the bill. “This bill assumes parents with biblical beliefs about gender and sexuality are a threat to their own children,” the organization stated in an online campaign against the bill. “AB 1955 marginalizes parents, preventing them from receiving critical information about their kids. Parents need to be informed partners in addressing issues of gender identity, ensuring their children receive the support and guidance they need within the family unit.” The bill must return to the Assembly before it can be sent to California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk.

Biblical Connections: The Bible clearly places the care of children in the hands of their parents and family. For a government to intervene and attempt to lesson that bond for nefarious reasons shows just how far parts of the nation have moved away from the Bible.

PRAY: Pray this continued push to hide children’s actions and thoughts from their own parents would be stopped and that a Biblical foundation will again reign throughout the nation.

Allies Urged to Avoid Rebuke of Iran

The US is pressing European allies Britain and France to abandon plans for Iran to be censured at the upcoming International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors meeting for its lack of cooperation and prohibited nuclear activities, according to the Wall Street Journal, apparently to avoid disruption with Iran before the US elections this November. These divisions come as a new IAEA report revealed Iran’s stockpile of highly enriched uranium has reached unprecedented levels. The UN nuclear watchdog stated Iran’s stockpile of 60% enriched uranium rose over 20 kg (45 pounds) in the last three months to 142 kg (313 pounds) – its highest level yet. US officials say that material could be converted into weapons-grade enriched uranium within days.

The rift exposes differences in approach that have emerged since the Trump administration withdrew from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal in 2018. Europeans were strong supporters of the accord, which lifted sanctions in exchange for temporary nuclear constraints on Tehran. They sought to preserve the deal even after the US exit, while the Biden administration made reviving the agreement a top priority upon taking office in 2021. But those diplomatic efforts collapsed in August 2022 when Iran hardened its demands as negotiations faltered. Since then, US officials have sought to contain escalating tensions with Tehran. European diplomats now accuse Washington of lacking a coherent strategy and appear unwilling to either seriously engage Iran in new diplomacy or take punitive steps over its growing nuclear program.

The divisions have raised alarms in European capitals that the window is closing to rein in Iran’s atomic work through non-military means. There are increasing Western fears that Iran, already considered a nuclear threshold state, may be positioning itself to acquire weapons capability. While Tehran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, it has significantly reduced IAEA oversight and stonewalled investigations into previous undeclared nuclear materials and activities. European diplomats argue failure to censure Iran at the IAEA would undermine the agency’s authority as the nuclear watchdog and erode Western credibility in confronting potential proliferation risks. They contend it is time to take a firm stand against Tehran’s continued defiance of non-proliferation obligations.

However, the US fears an IAEA censure could prompt Iranian retaliation and further limit inspectors’ access, as occurred after a 2022 rebuke. With Russia and China likely to veto any push for new UN sanctions, a failed censure vote could deal a major diplomatic blow that emboldens Iran’s nuclear intransigence. The Biden administration argues that European powers could do more to economically pressure Iran, like cutting off its banks still operating in Europe and designating the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. The German dpa News Agency reported that Germany and other European nations are advocating for the EU to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization, as per a recent German court ruling. However, diplomats noted that “such a terror listing would be primarily a symbolic step because there are already EU sanctions” against the IRGC. For now, US officials recently held rare indirect talks with Iranian counterparts in Oman in a bid to reduce regional tensions.

Ultimately, experts suggest any censure of Iran’s nuclear activities should be part of a broader negotiating strategy of both disincentives and incentives to alter Tehran’s behavior. “The board needs to send a message that there are consequences for stonewalling,” said Kelsey Davenport of the Arms Control Association. “But it needs to be part of a broader strategy to pressure and incentivize Iran to cooperate with the IAEA.”

Biblical Connections: Iran continues to be a problem in the region of the Middle East. If they are able to acquire nuclear capabilities, then they could eventually try to attack Israel without Western interference.

PRAY: Pray Iran’s nuclear ambitions will be thwarted, and that Israel will not have to try to stand up to a nuclear powered Iran.

Pope Francis Argues “People are Fundamentally Good”

Pope Francis has been a controversial figure to say the least over the past few years as many conservative Catholics argue that he is drawing the Catholic Church further away from their roots and into a more liberal theology. This concern was highlighted when he drew scorn and accusations of heresy on social media for maintaining during his “60 Minutes” interview that the human heart is “fundamentally good.”

Responding to interviewer Norah O’Donnell’s question regarding what gives him hope when he looks at the world, the pontiff said “everything,” and then went on to list examples of people doing good things as evidence of humanity’s essential goodness. “You see tragedies, but you also see so many beautiful things,” he said. “You see heroic mothers, heroic men, men who have hopes and dreams, women who look to the future. That gives me a lot of hope. People want to live. People forge ahead. And people are fundamentally good. We are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some rogues and sinners, but the heart itself is good.”

Many commentators on X criticized Francis for his remarks, with some accusing him of failing to grasp the basic teaching of the Gospel. Others quoted portions of Scripture that teach God alone is good and that humanity has a sinful nature.

“This is contrary to basic Christian theology,” radio host Erick Erickson wrote. “We are all sinners. There aren’t just ‘some sinners.’”

“If this is true, we don’t need a Savior to die on the Cross. So this pope is a heretic,” wrote author Eric Metaxas.

“Welp, this is a Satanic lie…” wrote Babylon Bee editor Joel Berry.

“This raises a question: Is the Pope Catholic? Apparently not! The minute he saw an American journalist nodding at him, he should have known he had gone astray,” Daily Wire host Andrew Klavan wrote.

Some X users noted that Francis’ comment appeared to be an example of Pelagianism, a fifth century heresy that denied original sin and taught the essential goodness of humanity. Pelagianism was named after a monk named Pelagius who was ultimately excommunicated from the Catholic church in 418, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. Multiple councils condemned his worldview, which was also famously repudiated by Augustine of Hippo in his “Confessions.”

Francis also raised eyebrows for other comments he made during his interview, such as accusing conservative U.S. bishops of exhibiting “a suicidal attitude” by opposing his “efforts to revisit teachings and traditions.”

The pontiff also responded to the furor around the Vatican’s recent “Fiducia Supplicans” guidance, claiming it does not permit the blessing of a homosexual union itself, but rather the two individual homosexuals engaging in the union. “What I allowed was not to bless the union; that cannot be done, because that is not the sacrament,” he said. “I cannot. The Lord made it that way. But to bless each person? Yes. The blessing is for everyone.”

Biblical Connections: In Luke 18:19, Jesus stated, “So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.” Paul in Romans 3:23 stated, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In Isaiah 64:6, the prophet writes, “But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags.” While humanity was created fundamentally good, the fall of man in Genesis 3 has led to a sinful condition throughout all of humanity. To argue that humanity as a whole is fundamentally good and that there are only a few bad apples that mess things up simply is not consistent with the pages of Scripture.

PRAY: Pray the drift to more liberal leaning movements of various groups within Christianity will stop and people will return to the foundation of the Bible.

North Korea Continuing to Build Up Satellite Capabilities

United States officials condemned North Korea’s latest attempt to put a reconnaissance satellite in orbit, according to a report. North Korea attempted to send a spy satellite into space on May 27. However, the rocket carrying that satellite exploded, according to multiple media sources quoting the state-controlled Korean Central News Agency. The country successfully placed its first reconnaissance satellite in orbit in November 2023, but two other more recent efforts besides this recent launch also ended in failure. The Guardian, quoting North Korean officials, suggested the rocket’s failure was due to “the operational reliability of the newly developed liquid oxygen and oil engine.” The US State Department said the launch breached edicts from the U.N. Security Council, according to a statement provided to The Korea Times. “The United States condemns the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s May 27 launch, which incorporated technologies that are directly related to the DPRK’s ballistic missile program and took place in violation of multiple UNSC resolutions,” the statement read.

The U.N. Security Council has unanimously adopted nine sanctions against North Korea since 2006 because the country has been maturing its nuclear and missile program, according to the Arms Control Association. United States officials have also condemned past North Korean launches, saying the nation’s rocket program uses technologies that support its intercontinental ballistic missile program.

The latest launch took place at 10:44 p.m. local time off the west coast of North Korea. Rocket debris fell in the nearby sea about two minutes after launch, according to Reuters, quoting the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff. North Korea’s launch happened hours after a three-way summit between China, South Korea and Japan that was meant to focus on trade and cultural exchanges between the countries, although another hot topic surrounded security concerns raised by the US, according to The New York Times.

Both Japan and South Korea have repeatedly asked North Korea not to conduct launches, and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida repeated these pleas at the summit, Reuters reported. Chinese premier Li Qiang, while not discussing the launch, asked for hostilities to be curtailed in the region.

North Korea, a communist state, has been cut off from the rest of the world for much of the last 80 years and its citizens lack basic services. That said, Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin met North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at Russia’s Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport last year during a five-hour summit; Russia is currently an International Space Station partner, but working on a new alliance with China following Russia’s unsanctioned invasion of Ukraine in 2022. China is forbidden from engaging in bilateral activities with NASA and the United States without express Congressional permission, under a 2011 decree known as the Wolf Amendment. China has been highly active in space in recent years.

Biblical Connections: We know that the Bible describes that as we get closer to the End Times, wars and violence will increase. North Korea was long been a thorn in much of the world’s side when it comes to being a threat in the region. As North Korea continues to advance with their technology, especially with China as a potential backer, could this lead to more tension in the East?

PRAY: Pray that tensions in the region would be lessened and for peace to be sought by all nations.

Fight Ensures Over the Ten Commandments

Louisiana became the first state to require public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments through a Republican-backed bill signed by Republican Gov. Jeff Landry. House Bill 71, sponsored by Republican Rep. Dodie Horton, mandates that each public school classroom display a poster-sized copy of the Ten Commandments by next January. "If you want to respect the rule of law you've got to start from the original law given, which was Moses," Landry said during a signing ceremony.

The display must be a “poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches,” according to the text of the legislation. The text of the Ten Commandments must be the “central focus” of the poster or framed documents, which shall be printed in “large, easily readable font.” The display must also include a four-paragraph “context statement” telling readers that “The Ten Commandments were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries. Around the year 1688, The New England Primer became the first published American textbook and was the equivalent of a first-grade reader. The New England Primer was used in public schools throughout the United States for more than one hundred fifty years to teach Americans to read and contained more than forty questions about the Ten Commandments,” the context statement reads.

“The Ten Commandments were also included in public school textbooks published by educator William McGuffey, a noted university president and professor. A version of his famous McGuffey Readers was written in the early 1800s and became one of the most popular textbooks in the history of American education, selling more than one hundred million copies. Copies of the McGuffey Readers are still available today.”

The new law is likely to face legal challenges. Secular church-state separation groups have already threatened lawsuits, contending that it violates the U.S. Constitution’s Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Louisiana, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom from Religion Foundation announced their intention to file a lawsuit. The groups assert that school displays of the Ten Commandments equate to “religious coercion of students, who are legally required to attend school and are thus a captive audience for school-sponsored religious messages.”

The organizations believe the law violates U.S. Supreme Court precedent set in the 1980 Stone v. Graham decision. In a 5-4 ruling, the Burger court ruled against a similar law passed in Kentucky requiring classrooms to post copies of the Ten Commandments, finding that it violated the First Amendment. "The law violates the separation of church and state and is blatantly unconstitutional,” the groups wrote in a joint statement. “The First Amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice, without pressure from the government. Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools.”

Supporters of the law maintain that its purpose is to highlight the document’s historical significance, as the legislation describes the Ten Commandments as one of the "foundational documents of our state and national government." The bill also allows schools to display other historical documents, such as the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence and the Northwest Ordinance. “Although this is a religious document, this document is also posted in over one hundred and eighty places, including the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I would say is based on the laws that this country was founded on,” Republican state Sen. Adam Bass told KALB.

Biblical Connections: Many of the founding documents and laws of America were founded on biblical precedent. Getting back to that precedent is paramount in having a successful nation.

Pray- Pray that there will continue to be a push for getting America back to its biblical roots and that the court challenges to stopping this will be defeated.

God Bless America A Message for Our Nation

It’s time to exhort the people of America to call upon God and ask God to indeed bless the United States of America.

If we humble ourselves before God, repent and ask for forgiveness, God could certainly return His blessing upon America. He has already wonderfully blessed our nation far beyond anything we deserve. And though we are not a perfect nation, and though there are many problems and challenges and difficulties, it is still one of the greatest nations in all the world.

Can any nation say, “God bless our nation?” The Bible tells us “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 32:12).

Now in the Old Testament context, the people of Israel realized they were in a special covenant relationship with God. They were a theocratic kingdom of the people of God on Earth. Yet that blessing of God was not limited just to them. It was available to any people that would come to God.

It was available to the Assyrians, if they would repent at Nineveh. It was available to the Babylonians, if they would come to God. It was available to the Egyptians. And it’s available today to any nation in the world that is willing to say, “Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is our Savior. He is our God. And we’re going to pray that God will bless our nation, not to the exclusion of other nations, but that God might bless our nation in particular.”

Everybody in every nation ought to be able to pray for that and say it from the depth of their heart and their soul. If you love God with all of your heart, and you love your country, then certainly you want God to bless you nation, just as you want God to bless your life. The blessing of God comes when we receive the power of God Himself in our lives. The Bible tells us that the Spirit of the Lord is the Spirit of liberty. And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty and freedom.

Liberty is a gift from the God of liberty. It’s the blessing of God in our lives. It’s not just something that is a political circumstance in our experience of Americans. The patriots that founded the United States of America made a Declaration of Independence, that asked God to bless this nation, and we have in turn been blessed by the results.

But it’s more than that – it’s the blessing of God that comes to the lives of people who are willing to let God be God in their lives. It’s that personal relationship with God that brings the blessing of God to us as individuals, to our churches, and to our nation.

One of the reasons God has blessed America all these years is because America was founded by godly men and women who were concerned to take the Bible seriously, and to live out its truths in their lives.

Secondly, they took the whole issue of freedom seriously, a freedom that was guaranteed to everybody as one of the unalienable rights given to us by our Creator. They understood that we were not here by accident. We’re not simply here by convenience. We are here by the Divine sovereign choice of God Himself. God called those Pilgrims and Puritans to come to this new world, to establish this new nation to the glory of God.

When we as a people are willing to get on our faces before God, on our knees before God, we’re willing to call out to Him, cry out to Him, and let Him deal with our hearts and lives, we can then say, “God bless me, God bless America, God bless the world through us.” Then America can reach the greatness God intended for her to have. Not just as a military power, not just as a commercial enterprise, but as a nation that would reflect the goodness of God, the freedom of God, the liberty of the Spirit of God, the blessing of God.

In nation after nation after nation, God is calling people to come to Him, to believe in Christ. He’s building His Church. He’s blessing those nations whose God is the Lord.

Excerpts from this article taken from Dr. Ed Hindson’s message, God Bless America.

PRAY: Pray that freedom of religion, freedom of choice, freedom of opportunity to open the Word of God continues in America. Pray that our nation turns back to God.

Catholic Church in US Slowly Abandoning Stance on Abortion

For decades the Catholic Church has had a strong stance in the pro-life movement. However, a new survey has seen that a majority of American Catholics think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, although support for legal abortion is much lower among Catholics who attend Mass regularly.

The Pew Research Center released a blog titled “9 Facts about U.S. Catholics”. One fact included on the list, based on research conducted from March 27 through April 2, 2023, found that 61% of Catholics living in the United States believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. This is a slightly smaller percentage than the number of U.S. adults who said the same (62%). Support for abortion differs among subgroups within the sample of Catholic adults surveyed. A slightly higher share of Hispanic Catholics (63%) favor keeping abortion legal in all or most cases than their white Catholic counterparts (59%).

Conversely, the difference in support for abortion among Catholics who attend Mass weekly and those who go less frequently is much starker. Only 34% of Catholics who go to Mass every week think abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances. Meanwhile, 68% of Catholics who attend Mass once a month or less or not at all support legal abortion in all or most cases.

Michael New, a pro-life scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, reacted to this particular finding from the survey on X. “Church attendance tells us far more about abortion attitudes than denomination,” he said. Carol Swain, a conservative commentator and former Vanderbilt University professor, cited the report’s findings as evidence that “Pope Francis and progressive public Catholics like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Democrat President Joe Biden have been disastrous for orthodox Christians of all denominations.” Swain’s comments suggest that Pelosi and Biden, self-professed practicing Catholics who support abortion despite its direct contradiction to the teachings of their faith, are causing many of their fellow Catholics to stray from church teaching on the matter.

The report measured the share of U.S. Catholics who attend Mass weekly at 28% while finding that 10% of American Catholics go to church once a month, and the remaining 62% attend Mass a few times a year or less. Catholic Church teaching, as laid out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, declares that “direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law” and that “formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense.”

Additional findings from the Pew Research Center show that partisan affiliation also plays a role in Catholics’ level of support for abortion. Forty-three percent of Catholic Republicans favor legal abortion in all or most circumstances compared to 78% of Catholic Democrats. The partisan divide within the Catholic Church as it relates to abortion mirrors the divisions among the American public as a whole. Among all U.S. adults, 40% of Republicans think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 84% of Democrats said the same.

Biblical Connections: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 states, “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” The push for Christians to abandon the Bible is strong in our day.

PRAY: Pray for those who call themselves Christians will actually follow what the Bible and live Godly lives in all areas of life.

Houthis Target US Ships and Expand Operations in Middle East

The Houthis have increased their attacks, saying that they “targeted two American destroyers and two ships in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean.” Their spokesman said they used drones to target the US ships, after a month in which it appeared that Houthi attacks had leveled off or had been reduced. US Central Command said on April 29 that “between 10 a.m. and 5:20 p.m., Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists fired three anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) and three UAVs from Yemen into the Red Sea towards MV Cyclades, a Malta-flagged, Greece-owned vessel. Initial reports indicate there were no injuries and the vessel continued on its way.”

The new attacks are raising eyebrows in the region. They were front page news at the pro-Iran Al-Mayadeen, which shows that Iran and its proxies view the new attacks as important moves for the Iran-backed “axis of resistance.” Tehran has been continuing to push Hamas and Hezbollah to carry out attacks on Israel. For instance, terrorists in both Lebanon and Gaza have targeted the Jewish state with rockets in recent days.

The Houthis are a third front where Iran seeks to escalate attacks. The Al-Ain media in the Gulf said that “new naval attacks were carried out by Houthi militias against American cargo ships and destroyers, extending from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean.”

The report quoted Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saree, as saying that the militias carried out a series of attacks that targeted the Israeli ship MSC Orion, the Cyclades ship, and two American destroyers. The Iranian-backed groups often claim to attack Israeli ships or Israel-linked ships without providing evidence of the connection or claim. The report goes on to claim that the attack on the MSC Orion took place in the Indian Ocean. This is also an escalation because the Houthis have usually concentrated attacks in the Red Sea. They have also carried out attacks in the Indian Ocean, but this expands their area of operation.

The report at Al-Ain media said that the Houthis had “confirmed that the hit on the Cyclades ship came after an attack targeted it in the Red Sea.” The Cyclades sails under the flag of Malta, reports said and was targeted with drones and missiles for “violating the ban and heading to the port of Eilat on April 21, using deception and camouflage, under the pretense that it was heading to another port,” the report said.

In addition, the Houthis are escalating attacks on US ships trying to prevent Houthi attacks over the last five months. The ships come under US Central Command’s overall mission to secure shipping and prevent destabilization in the region. “Last week, the Houthi militia claimed responsibility for targeting the Andromeda Star in the Red Sea, and shooting down an American drone in its home stronghold of Saada, in the far north of Yemen,” Al-Ain noted. The same report said that the Houthis had targeted the MSC Darwin sailing in the Gulf of Aden, the American ship Maersk Yorktown, an American destroyer in the Gulf of Aden, and the “Israeli ship MSC VERACRUZ in the Indian Ocean.”

The Houthis claim they have now attacked 102 ships. They also claim to be expanding operations in the Indian Ocean. They issued a video message about this claim, but did not elaborate about these incidents. However, the Houthi claims clearly show they want to appear to be increasing their attacks.

Biblical Connections: The Bible makes it clear that the Middle East will be in chaos at the time of the end. These continual developments in the Middle East that lead to chaos and disorder may be paving the way for the Rapture.

‘Frogs in the Kettle’

The president of a nonprofit Christian persecution watchdog that monitors hostility to faith and freedom abroad warned that too few Christians in America and the West seem aware of how such trends are manifesting at home. “Basically, we are frogs in the kettle, and the bubbles keep coming up under us,” Jeff King, president of the Washington, D.C.-based International Christian Concern (ICC), told The Christian Post. “Too many people are not aware politically, and they’re so used to thinking of how things were that they can’t figure out where these bubbles are coming from, not realizing they’re being cooked.”

ICC, which was founded in 1995 to advocate for the persecuted church around the world, has been speaking out, particularly about Staci Barber’s case in Texas. Barber is a school teacher who sued the Katy Independent School District near Houston in March after her principal allegedly reprimanded her last September for praying with two other teachers at the school’s flagpole as part of “See You At the Pole,” an annual international event. The administrator reportedly told her that teachers were not allowed to pray where students could see them and be influenced to join, according to the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ). Teachers were told they “could not pray in any location where students would be present, even if this praying occurred before the school day began,” according to the lawsuit.

King told CP that Barber’s case “highlights the depth of ignorance among school boards and even at the principal level of what rights the Constitution grants people,” but he suggested her situation is symptomatic of a wider hostility toward Christians in the U.S. at all levels. King warned that the same trends his nonprofit has been tracking and advocating against overseas are increasingly manifesting in the historically free nations of the Western world, including the United States. He pinpointed a corrupt, cumbersome judicial process and proliferating hate speech laws as the main prongs of the attack on Christian beliefs. King explained that dictators and despots will promise religious liberty out of one side of their mouths while at the same time effectively mandating that religious citizens keep their opinions to themselves and out of the public square. “If that sounds familiar, there’s a reason,” he said. “The big picture, and what people need to grasp, is that’s what’s going on here in the West, and that’s what a lot of people who dislike Christianity are proposing and trying to push forward.”

Even if courts rule against the bad actors, King noted that the onerous judicial process itself is sufficient to convey the regime’s message. “People learn that you do not stick your head up, and you start being quiet because the process is the punishment,” he said, adding that he has even seen examples of similar situations in Christian ministries in the U.S. where employees have been dragged before HR for not “toeing on the line” on LGBTQ issues and pronoun usage.

King also observed that American culture has shifted dramatically within the past 30 years or so, and that the population has been “softened up” to the creeping totalitarian and anti-Christian impulses of their political leaders. Noting how such things have progressed gradually along a spectrum, he was reluctant to trace such trends to any particular year or event, but said they seemed to escalate as a backlash to the political rise of the Moral Majority during the 1980s. Likening their influence to “poison that’s been poured into the masses for the last 30 years,” King said media and the entertainment industry have played a pivotal role for decades in promoting immorality and portraying people of faith in a negative light. “When you use propaganda, you can turn the masses over time, and that’s part of what’s happened,” he said, adding that a hedonistic society views Christians as an unwelcome “giant stop sign” against such impulses, which leads to building resentment.

Biblical Connections: Paul warned that in the last days people would continue to turn against Christianity. We move closer and closer to this point every day.

PRAY: Pray this push to drive the United States away from its Christian roots will be stopped and that revival will come to the nation once again.

Iran's President Raisi Killed in Helicopter Crash

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and the country’s foreign minister were found dead hours after their helicopter crashed in fog, leaving the Islamic Republic without two key leaders as extraordinary tensions grip the wider Middle East. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say in the Shiite theocracy, quickly named a little-known vice president as caretaker and insisted the government was in control, but the deaths marked yet another blow to a country beset by pressures at home and abroad. At first, many were quick to blame either Israel or the United States for the crashed chopper, assuming it had crashed through some type of sabotage or assault. However, Iran has offered no cause for the crash nor suggested sabotage brought down the helicopter, which fell in mountainous terrain in a sudden, intense fog.

A hard-liner who formerly led the country’s judiciary, Raisi, 63, was viewed as a protege of Khamenei. During his tenure, relations continued to deteriorate with the West as Iran enriched uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels and supplied bomb-carrying drones to Russia for its war in Ukraine. His government has also faced years of mass protests over the ailing economy and women’s rights.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the U.S. continues to monitor the situation surrounding the “very unfortunate helicopter crash” but has no insight into the cause. “I don’t necessarily see any broader regional security impacts at this point in time,” he said. White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Raisi’s death is not expected to have any substantive impact on difficult U.S.-Iran relations, or Iran’s support of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Yemen-based Houthi rebels. “We have to assume that the supreme leader is the one who makes these decisions and the supreme leader, as he did in the last so-called election, made sure to stack the deck with only candidates that met his mandates,” Kirby said. For now, Khamenei has named the first vice president, Mohammad Mokhber, as caretaker, in line with the constitution.

Condolences poured in from allies after Iran confirmed there were no survivors. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a post on the social media platform X that his country “stands with Iran in this time of sorrow.” Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a statement released by the Kremlin, described Raisi “as a true friend of Russia.” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, China’s Xi Jinping and Syrian President Bashar Assad also offered condolences. Azerbaijan’s president, Ilham Aliyev, said he and his government were “deeply shocked.”

The United States officially stated, “The United States expresses its official condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran. As Iran selects a new president, we reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Many questioned why the US government would offer their “condolences” for a man that had not only been a part of orchestrating the October 7th attack on Israel, but has also been part of the government that supported terrorism throughout the region, including against US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Biblical Connections: In Genesis 12:3, God told Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” It should not shock students of the Bible that many of those leaders throughout history that have had a negative and hateful stance to the nation of Israel have come to their end in quick and sudden ways.

PRAY: Pray that this would wake up Iran and that new leadership would be less hostile to Israel in the future.

Fewer Than Half of Christians Regularly Attend Church

A new report recently came out that shows the decline of Christianity in America is increasingly on the rise. Three in 10 people in the United States attend religious services on a regular basis, representing a decline compared to the past couple of decades, according to a report by Gallup. Gallup reported that 21% of Americans said they attend religious services on a weekly basis, while 9% said they attend religious services nearly every week. By contrast, 11% of respondents reported attending about once a month, 25% reported attending “seldom,” while 31% said they “never” go to religious services.

This represents a decline from one decade ago, when Gallup found that 38% of Americans attended weekly or almost weekly, and from two decades ago, when 42% of Americans reported attending weekly or almost weekly. For its research, Gallup drew from aggregated data from surveys conducted over the phone in 2021, 2022 and 2023, with previous samples being collected from surveys done in 2000-2003 and 2011-2013, respectively.

Gallup found that Mormons were the most likely to report going to their services regularly, with 67% saying they attended weekly or almost weekly. Protestants were the next highest at 44%, followed by Muslims (38%), Catholics (33%), Orthodox Christians (26%), Jews (22%), Buddhists (14%) and Hindus (13%). The report also found that Catholics experienced the sharpest drop in attendance compared to two decades ago, going from 45% regular attendance in 2000-2003 to 33% in 2021-2023.

Over the past several years, much has been made about the rise of the religiously unaffiliated population in the United States, also known as the “nones,” especially among younger generations. In January 2023, for example, the Survey on American Life, a project of the American Enterprise Institute, released a report which found that church attendance still hadn’t recovered from what it was before the COVID-19 lockdowns.

While the number of Americans who attended worship services had increased from 13% in the summer of 2020 to 27% by the spring of 2022, this was still below pre-pandemic levels. Furthermore, according to the SAL, 33% of Americans reported in 2022 that they never attend religious services, an increase from the 25% who said the same before the pandemic. The largest declines in attendance were seen among adults younger than 50, Hispanic Catholics, black Protestants, and white mainline Protestants.

Biblical Connection: Paul, writing in 1 Timothy 4:1-3, stated, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.”

Similarly, in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 he wrote, “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” While we do not know for certain this decline of Christianity is the type of falling away Paul wrote about, it certainly fits the type of pattern Paul described would happen prior to the Rapture of the church and the start of the Tribulation with the rise of the Antichrist.

PRAY: Pray this decline in church attendance in America will reverse and Americans will return to church once again.

President Biden Wants Pride Flags to Continue at US Embassies

The Biden administration is promising to fight a GOP-led rule in the recently signed $1.2 trillion spending package that effectively bans the rainbow pride flag from being flown at U.S. embassies and consulates. A provision slipped in the bill spanning more than 1,000 pages requires that “none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be obligated or expended to fly or display a flag over a facility of the United States Department of State,” other than the U.S. flag, with some exceptions, according to Axios. Other permitted flags include the POW/MIA flag, the U.S. Foreign Service flag, the Hostage and Wrongful Detainee flag, as well as flags that represent states, American territories, Indian tribal areas, and the District of Columbia. Flags of other nations are also allowed.

President Joe Biden signed the spending bill, but a spokesperson for the White House expressed the administration’s disapproval of the pride flag ban and promised to pursue repealing what they suggested amounts to discrimination against LGBT Americans. “President Biden believes it was inappropriate to abuse the process that was essential to keep the government open by including this policy targeting LGBTQI+ Americans,” a White House spokesperson told the outlet. “While it will have no impact on the ability of members of the LGBTQI+ community to serve openly in our embassies or to celebrate Pride, the Administration fought against the inclusion of this policy and we will continue to work with members of Congress to find an opportunity to repeal it,” the spokesperson added. It should surprise no one that President Biden would be against this provision, as he has been one of the most pro-LGBT leaders in the world, constantly promoting the agenda wherever and whenever possible and going out of his way to promote LGBT individuals within not only his administration but also throughout the entire government, including the US military.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., a Southern Baptist, praised the provision behind closed doors as a win for conservatives, according to a source who spoke to Bloomberg News. Some U.S. embassies began displaying pride flags to mark so-called pride month or other LGBT-related holidays during the Obama administration. The blanket authorization was repealed under former President Donald Trump, though some continued to display the rainbow flags anyway, according to The Washington Post. The Biden administration then reversed Trump’s ban in April 2021, allowing the flag to be unfurled again at U.S. embassies such as the one to the Vatican, which prompted outrage from Roman Catholics in June 2022. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has also permitted the Black Lives Matter flag to be flown at U.S. embassies, which critics denounced as unnecessarily political.

The provision in the current spending bill remains effective only until Sept. 30. In 2023, Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., introduced the Old Glory Only Act, which would permanently ban such displays at diplomatic facilities. “Our beautiful flag, Old Glory, should be the only flag flying and representing our country over our diplomatic and consular posts worldwide,” Duncan said in a statement at the time, according to Fox News Digital. “The American flag is a beacon of liberty, and no other flag or symbol better portrays our shared values than the Stars and Stripes.” In 2021, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis of New York proposed a similar bill and accused the Biden administration of permitting “inherently political flags that are in no way affiliated with the U.S. government.”

Biblical Connections: Romans 1:26-27 states, “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.” Any nation that continues to promote the things God calls evil is not a nation that follows after the Lord.

PRAY: Pray the sinful forces that are pushing this anti-God agenda will be defeated and the ways of the Lord will be established once again.