America is at the Tipping Point!

As we begin our 245th year, the nation faces its most serious crisis in recent history. Anti-American forces are attempting to undermine and destroy the very soul of the world’s greatest nation. The convergence of political extremism, social unrest, pandemic paralysis and general confusion has left us gasping for breath and groping for solutions.

Many are confused, asking: What is happening to our country? Where did all this begin? Why are we so divided?

Let us begin by examining the root cause of the current chaos. In the nineteenth century, then Princeton theologian Charles Hodge warned that when American education ceased to be distinctively Christian it would only remain neutral (non-Christian) for a while and then ultimately turn decisively Anti-Christian. Within 100 years, his prediction came true.

The Supreme Court decision in 1962 (Engel v. Vitale) ruled prayer out of the public schools. Subsequently, even voluntary moments of silence were eliminated and in time all religious instruction was banned from American public education.

While students are still free to pray privately or in small groups, the absence of God in American public education is now glaringly obvious. The result is rampant secularization.

The secularization of America has increasingly grown into a stranglehold on public discourse. Nearly 60 years later the process looks like this:

1.  Secularism: There is no god

2.  Relativism: There is no truth

3.  Selfism: I am all that matters

4.  Materialism: Give me more stuff.

5.  Mysticism: Redefine reality.

The war against America is the result of the spiritual battle for the soul of the nation. It plays out in several areas under the disguise of social justice and political correctness. But make no mistake, it is a covert attack of Satan against the very heart of America’s Christian values. Here is how it works:

Deny Our Heritage: Eliminate any positive discussion of Christian influence in America’s founding. Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers, and others seeking religious freedom are portrayed as “invaders” who mistreated Native Americans.

Defame Our Heroes: Emphasize their faults and weaknesses while neglecting their contributions. Denounce Christopher Columbus, who lived in 1492, by the standards of 21st century “correctness.” On that basis, nobody living in 1492 was “acceptable!” Everyone becomes a target of the culture wars: Washington, Jefferson, even Lincoln.

Desecrate Our Monuments: Public statues and government monuments are symbols of the America that extremists want to destroy. This is not merely about the Civil War or racial injustice. The extremists, like Antifa, want everything gone. “Tear it all down!” they keep shouting.

Dismantle Our Freedoms: Free speech is only acceptable for the radical, liberal left. Conservative Christians are denounced as racists, bigots, and anti-intellectuals. Any attempt to criticize or question the left-wing agenda is met with censorship, hostility, and ridicule.

Destroy Our Nation: The end result of the secular onslaught will eventually bring America down. Left unchecked, a godless society will implode. Perhaps this is why America is not specifically identified in Bible prophecies of the End Times.

America is in serious trouble and only the power of God can save us. We desperately need His divine intervention. America needs a spiritual awakening and a genuine revival of repentance, regeneration, and re-engagement with the culture. Nothing short of a radiant, Spirit-filled Christianity can speak truth into a decadent and self-destructive culture.
